The Young & The Ruthless

, Tony Perkins, Leave a comment

If the state of Congress, Hollywood, and Wall Street isn’t proof enough, a new study shows that America has become indifferent to personal ethics.

Surveying almost 30,000 students, the Josephson Institute found that the nation is raising a throng of lawbreakers. Nearly than two-thirds (64%) of teens said they cheated on tests; another 30% admitted to stealing from a store; and 42% said they sometimes lie to save money. Despite this, 93% are “satisfied” with their level of integrity.

Although researchers warn of the consequences to the culture, what we’ve already witnessed from the nation’s rich and powerful suggests that America is reaping the moral apathy she’s sown.

Tony Perkins heads the Family Research Council. This article is excerpted from the Washington Update that he compiles for the FRC.