Monthly Archives For October 2007

Community College Bowl


Many years ago—16 to be exact—Saturday Night Live broadcast a sketch called Community College Bowl in which slow-witted contestants slowly answered simple questions normally asked of grade school students. The writers of that sketch may have been way ahead of their time.

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Who Decides?


Thought to be a relic of the 1980’s, the ironically named Fairness Doctrine that enabled the federal government to muzzle conservative voices on the airwaves may soon come back with a vengeance.

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Embedded With the Enemy?


The new art exhibit, “Unembedded”—a photojournalists’ account of the Iraq War—has been featured at several prestigious universities amid widespread applause as to its self-described “nuanced view of the civilian instability.”

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Protectionism or Protection?


Disapproval of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) ventures by the Democratic controlled Congress is said to be sending a wrong message contrary to America’s efforts to win the hearts and minds of Arab and Moslem allies on global war on terrorism.

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