Racism is alive and well at the University of Massachusetts.
Articles By: Alana Goodman
Academic Front For PLO
The campus “divestment against Israel” campaign is known for its grassroots, media-grabbing student demonstrations, but was the entire movement actually orchestrated by Palestinian government operatives?
Campus Progress Mob Rules
It appears that the writers at the Center for American Progress (CAP) can dish it out but they can’t take it.
Not About the Money
Opponents of free-market economics have often portrayed capitalists as greedy money-grubbers, but one conservative think tank is arguing that free enterprise is the foundation of a virtuous and moral society.
Venezuela Impasse
As Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s popularity plummets alongside oil prices, analysts warn that the socialist state could be veering toward disaster.
The Israel Test
How do you view the material success of others? Do you see it as a product of classist exploitation—a selfish triumph that one attains at the expense of his neighbors—or do you see it as an inspiring achievement that enriches the community as a whole?
Not Easy Being Green
New “green” regulations being considered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could put small businesses in the red, warned some panelists at an American Enterprise Institute (AEI) discussion on July 24th.
Sonia Behind the Bench
Since President Obama announced his nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, the media has hailed the Puerto Rican federal court of appeals judge as a role-model for women and Hispanics. News coverage by the major networks has mainly focused on Sotomayor’s “inspiring” rags-to-riches upbringing and her “politically moderate” judicial record.
American History Exhumed
On October 11, 1809, celebrated explorer Meriwether Lewis—of Lewis and Clarke fame—was found shot to death on the floor of an old tavern at the edge of Indian country in Tennessee.
America in the Crossfire
At a foreign policy discussion at the Heritage Foundation on June 29th, former Sen. Jim Talent (R-MO) warned that there would likely be a weapon of mass destruction (WMD) attack somewhere in the world within the next four years.