Bernard Goldberg Rates Bottom 100

, Deborah Lambert, Leave a comment

100 PEOPLE WHO ARE SCREWING UP AMERICA, Bernie Goldberg’s latest book doesn’t mince words. Among his 100 villains who are wrecking the country, he includes some high-profile elitists whose fame and fortune has been based on their single-minded, America-bashing message.

Michael Moore, who has called his fellow Americans “possibly the dumbest people on the planet,” earned the numero uno slot in Goldberg’s book.

The author points out that the one hundred people he mentions are not – as many would surmise – a group of “drugged-out revolutionaries on the fringe, the kind of people we could write off as crackpots.”

It’s far worse than that.

These America bashers, many of them now middle-aged, are part of the mainstream culture – “in the top ranks of the nation’s intelligentsia and cultural elite – professors at leading universities,” where they have the power, 24/7, to mold our country’s most precious assets – the next generation of leaders.

It will surprise no one that the majority of these troublemakers came of age during the Vietnam conflict. Lib pundits like the New York Times’s Frank Rich and Paul Krugman got to relive their glory days with last year’s Abu Ghraib story while Seymour Hersh, who broke the 1968 My Lai massacre story, outdid himself with a 53-page Abu Ghraib expose in the New Yorker, causing Paul Krugman to exclaim:
”Seymour Hersh is exposing My Lai all over again.”

Goldberg notes that while these America bashers constantly “fight back tears over so-called American atrocities and torture,they] never seem to cry over the genuine atrocities and torture ….commonplace in prisons throughout the Arab world?”

While they lecture us and ask “What do you expect from people who are forced to live under such oppression?,” these America bashers seem to have arrived at “a kind of intellectual truce with the terrorists.”


Peter Singer, Princeton University’s Ira W. DeCamp
professor of bioethics, calls himself a “utilitarian philosopher.” He has never attempted to hide the fact that he wants to radically alter our lives.

Singer first made waves in his late twenties by launching the “animal rights” movement with a publication called “Animal Liberation.” He then jump-started his crusade by focusing on mental and physical retardation, saying that euthanasia could be useful not only for the infirm elderly. In fact, Singer’s book, Practical Ethics, put forth the notion that “killing a disabled infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person. Very often, it is not wrong at all.”

Reason Magazine describes Singer’s views as follows:
”Fetuses and some very impaired human beings are not persons in his view and have a lesser moral status than say, adult gorillas and chimpanzees.” Singer apparently told an animal rights conference that society should allow “severely disabled” infants to be killed up to 28 days after birth, if their lives are deemed by parents as not worth living, describing his idea as sort of a “lemon law” for certain kinds of “defective babies.”


When the brave ex-prof Christina Hoff Summers said she viewed Katherine Hanson’s “facts” as the “most outrageously distorted” she had ever seen, it’s time to pay attention, according to Bernie Goldberg.

Hanson, who says males are socialized to be aggressive, views Little League baseball as an activity that “encourages aggressive, violent behavior…”

According to Summers, Hanson claimed in a work called Gender and Violence that “every year nearly 4 million women are beaten to death in the United States” and that violence is the leading cause of death among women.

Fortunately, those figures are far from accurate, since total female deaths from all causes hover around one million per year, and the REAL leading cause of death is heart disease (370,000) followed by cancer (250,000), said Goldberg.

And just who is Katherine Hanson? One of the “angry, radical feminists who have helped set the agenda in classrooms all across the country.” During the 1990s, Hanson’s organization, the Women’s Educational Equity Act Publishing Center, turned out more than 350 publications, and received more than $75 million…


Bernie Goldberg doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to university administrators, explaining that when political correctness first surfaced, there were plenty of namby-pamby college presidents who encouraged it to grow and fester.

But none was so “pathetically cowardly” [as] Sheldon Hackney of the University of Pennsylvania, who received the dubious honor of having an award named after him when columnist John Leo started bestowing an annual prize called “the Sheldon” to the college administrator who has done the most to stifle free speech.

Leo describes the award as an Oscar-like statuette, “except that the Oscar shows a man with no face looking straight ahead, while the Sheldon shows a man with no spine looking the other way.”

Not only did Hackney refuse to punish students who stole an entire press run of a student paper in 1993, but his “judicial inquiry officer” filed charges against freshman Eden Jacobowitz for violating Penn’s speech code against racial harassment when he asked some black sorority sisters outside his window to be quiet by yelling: “Shut up, you water buffalo.”

The university’s case against Jacobowitz calmed down after former President Clinton appointed Hackney to be the new chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

One of the chairman’s projects was to launch a
“National Conversation” on campus titled, “What is an American?”

Was it pride and love of country he was looking for?
Absolutely not. He recalled as an example of something he admired, a speech by a young Latino activist who said at an American Studies Association meeting, “I am not an American. I don’t want to be an American, and I have just as much right to be here as any of you.”

Miss Lambert writes the monthly “Squeaky Chalk” column, from which this book review is excerpted, that appears in the monthly Campus Report newsletter.