Fresh off a stunning defeat at the ballot box, the Left blamed business executives and wealthy donors for stirring up parents with falsehoods about Critical Race Theory’s infiltration in public schools. CNBC reported that the backers of the anti-Critical Race Theory movements across the country, and specifically in Virginia, came from wealthy backgrounds.
Yet CNBC’s piece read like an opposition research document for the Left, by citing specific donors and asking them for comment on their donations. The article did not mention that the Left uses similar tactics when it comes to issues such as state redistricting.
Virginia’s hotly-contested gubernatorial race saw first-time political candidate Glenn Youngkin surprisingly defeat former Virginia Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe, after Youngkin made parental involvement in education a top priority on the campaign trail. Part of his message was that parents should decide public school curriculum, such as eliminating Critical Race Theory.
One of the groups behind parent activism against Critical Race Theory, Fight for Schools PAC, is headed by Ian Prior, a Republican political operative. The group points out that fighting Critical Race Theory is an important part of their efforts, but also reversing school lockdowns and onerous measures pushed by teachers’ unions. Among the group’s donors or affiliated groups are Trump supporters and former administration officials, such as David Bossie and Ben Carson.
An example of another similar group is the 1776 Project PAC, which has been linked to anti-Critical Race Theory efforts in states such as Colorado and New Jersey.
Yet the Left, and the mainstream media, failed to recognize that parents do not want Critical Race Theory ideology in their children’s classroom. Instead, their focus on the donors behind the anti-Critical Race Theory movement is a distraction from the reality facing Critical Race Theory supporters.