Until about 40 years ago, Memorial Day was observed—not celebrated—on May 30 every year.
Trojan Horse on Abortion
President Obama is mounting a rhetorical campaign to seek “common ground” between pro-life and “pro-choice” Americans.
Islamic College U.S. Debut
Two American Muslim scholars are prepared to launch the “first four-year accredited Islamic college in the U.S., what some are calling a ‘Muslim Georgetown.’”
Lost In Cyberspace
Surprise, surprise. Spending thousands of hours on the Internet apparently leaves children poorly prepared to face the challenges of adult life, according to The London Telegraph.
Senioritis Cured
Senioritis is that time-honored “disease” that affects graduating seniors during the last half of their senior year, but this year it might just be in remission.
German ‘Sex Education’
Alliance Defense
Fund attorneys are representing another two German parents in an appeal to the European
Court of Human Rights filed Thursday.
Obama Pivots on Conscience Rights
In his address to the 2009 graduating class at the University of Notre Dame, President Barack Obama said yesterday that he supports conscience rights for healthcare workers.
Fighting Irish Fight Back
Here are some Notre Dame alums who were honored by the presidential visit to their alma mater.
Pro-Obama Group Demands Socialist Media
While making demands for more federal money, another topic at the Free Press summit was how to divvy up the $7.2 billion that was authorized in the federal economic “stimulus” legislation to expand access to the Internet.
New Deal Fails Again
The past should be the blueprint from which we draw lessons and forge a way forward.