WASHINGTON — Attorneys with the
Alliance Defense Fund and Thomas More Law Center filed a friend-of-the-court
brief Monday with the U.S. Supreme Court in defense of the Boy Scouts of
America, challenged by the American Civil Liberties Union for maintaining and
beautifying parks leased from the city of San Diego.
No Leader Left Behind
The NCPA is delighted to announce the return of I Debate – Developing Leaders with General Tommy Franks in conjunction with the General Tommy Franks
Leadership Institute and Oklahoma Christian University.
Miss California at Liberty
Miss California Carrie Prejean will be in Lynchburg today to encourage thousands of Liberty University students to stand up for their faith, as she did recently at the Miss USA Pageant.
Berkeley Studies Conservative Groups
This fall, Berkeley will open its new Center for the Comparative Study of Right Wing Movements, funded with $777,000.00 from an anonymous donor.
Locker Room Bell Curve
A recent study by a Swarthmore College economist showed that students may perform worse on exams if they “think about their jock identities before they take the test.”
Ward Churchill Redux?
The Ward Churchill saga is far from over.
Twitter U
Is Twitter the future of education? If you’re Cole W. Camplese, director of education-technology services at Penn State, University Park, you might be in the “yes” column.
Graduation Prayer Campaign
Liberty Counsel is launching its annual “Friend or Foe” Graduation Prayer Campaign, seeking to educate and, if necessary, litigate to ensure that prayer and religious viewpoints are not suppressed during public school graduation ceremonies.
Demonically Inaccurate Dan Brown
Ron Howard, director of “Angels & Demons,” the movie version of Dan Brown’s book by that name, attacked Catholic League president Bill Donohue yesterday on the Huffington Post.
Preview of Coming Attractions
Alliance Defense Fund attorneys are representing two German parents in an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights filed Tuesday. The two parents were convicted under German law when they chose to educate their child at home on the subject of sexuality rather than allow her to participate in a four-day “sexual education” course and related stage production at her school.