Every now and then, academics drop their guard and reveal that one or another of the shibboleths that the modern academic world holds dear is—a sham. “The loud debate over affirmative action is a distraction…
Community College is an Expensive Freebie
It’s one thing for conservative pundits to question the Obama Administration’s latest higher education subsidy. It’s quite another for a writer in The Atlantic to start asking inconvenient questions. “President Obama wants to provide free…
What GOP 2016 Candidates Have to Say about Common Core
With a little less than two years to go until the 2016 presidential contest, GOP contenders are staking out positions on the Obama Administration’s Common Core education reforms that are markedly to the right of…
Where Common Core Pays $$$
It’s interesting that the people who are usually in a fruitless search for Republican fat cats have failed to notice the actual ones for whom Common Core math actually does add up. On September 20,…
Does Harvard Hate ObamaCare?
Harvard not only educated the president but has steadfastly supported him and even his more controversial policies, until now. “For years, Harvard’s experts on health economics and policy have advised presidents and Congress on how…
Global Warming on the Rocks
When it comes to evidence of global warming, who are you going to believe, your professors or the facts? “While it is common these days for politicians, journalists, and other observers to say the climate…
Jeb Bush and Common Core in 2016
As 2014 drew to a close, at least three probable contenders for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 have taken fairly clear positions on the Common Core education reforms favored by the Obama Administration. Former…
Happy New Year!
My old alma mater—the University of Scranton—recently made the news with a year-old study on New Year’s resolutions. Richard Asa reported in the Chicago Tribune on December 16, 2014 that “a 2013 University of Scranton…
Merry Christmas from us at AIA!
Accuracy in Academia would like to wish you and yours the merriest of Christmases and the happiest of new years!
Brick and Mortar.Edu
Students may be increasingly opting to get their degrees online but universities still dismiss them as a fad. “Udacity does have one partnership with a research university—Georgia Tech,” Udacity’s vice president of business development Clarissa…