Colbert Report visits D.C. and George Washington University

His poll ratings may be in the basement and his policies might have mostly blown up in his face but there is one place where the president can still boost his self-esteem.
Stephen Colbert, the faux television news host for Comedy Central, hosted President Barack Obama on the campus of George Washington University.
As their school newsletter, GWToday, noted: “Our students started lining up for the show outside Lisner Auditorium by 9 a.m. George Washington Today was there to capture what was Trending Today – the first in an ongoing video series on current events and issues.”
From one of the brief write-ups of the event we learn that President Obama “side-stepped” the question on the Keystone XL pipeline, but not after saying it could contribute to an increase in global warming.
Students were gushing about hearing the news that Colbert and Obama were visiting campus on video, which can be seen HERE. Students’ reactions to the e-mail were, “I was jumping up and down,” “It was the best surprise ever” and “You mean THE President Obama?” When the students were asked what their one question to President Obama would be, the responses varied:
- “I would ask him how was his day, today”
- “How do you feel about Hillary Clinton maybe running in 2016?”
- “Maybe the funniest thing Joe Biden has said to him”
- “What is he the most proudest about?”
- “Can I come over for eggs?”
- “What’s on his iPod?”
If this isn’t enough Obama-love, check out this article that gushes about him and Colbert’s visit. The article began:
- “For many George Washington University students lucky enough to score a ticket to the taping of Stephen Colbert’s interview with President Barack Obama, the pairing was a heavenly match. The rock-star president for whom some in the audience had cast their first votes for was onstage on their campus with Mr. Colbert, by many measures the king of late night news talk of the millennial generation.”
- “Thirty-eight degree weather didn’t make it easy for students huddling next to each other in puffy North Face jackets, coffee cups glued to their red, chapped hands. They talked through chattering teeth—and it was hard to tell whether their shivers had more to do with frosty weather or the excitement of seeing a live taping of The Colbert Report featuring President Obama.”
- One student said, referring to Colbert, “We’re completely lucky because he only has a few shows left, and he chose GW to film one of them.”