Recent Articles

The Familiar Solution

, Matthew Hickman

Leftist scholars converged at Brookings recently to share their worries about income inequity, lack of opportunity in America and increased poverty.

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UMBA in Diversity

, Malcolm A. Kline

American businesses would rather gamble on finding talent abroad than rely on homegrown collegiates who have been through the entire public school system in the United States. There may be some good reasons for that.

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Recent Articles

Soviet Peace Studies

, Cliff Kincaid

In 1981, the Soviet-front U.S. Peace Council held its second national conference. Endorsers included Democratic Rep. Danny K. Davis, one of Obama’s associates in Chicago, and David Cortright of a group known as SANE, for…

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Why The Left Must Destroy Ben Carson

, Cliff Kincaid

Black conservative Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson is everything Barack Obama is not. That’s why he has to be destroyed. In a desperate move, The Washington Post ran a more than 2,500-word article on Sunday…

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Remaking of Alexander Hamilton

, Malcolm A. Kline

With their gift for ruining everything they touch, American progressives have done incalculable damage to the reputation of Alexander Hamilton. Yet and still, the first Secretary of the Treasury remains perhaps the most problematic of…

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