Recent Articles

Dead Greek Guys

, Malcolm A. Kline

After successfully routing the “Dead White Guys” some of us still refer to as America’s founding fathers from classrooms in the United States, the multiculturalists have a new target—ancient philosophers.

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Freshmen Orientation

, Malcolm A. Kline

Going back to school at the end of summer vacation, always a bittersweet experience for college students, now, with politically correct reeducation, can be just bitter.

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Constitution Day

, The Rutherford Institute

In recognition of Constitution Day on September 17, The Rutherford Institute is calling on all Americans to read the document that one historian described as “the owners’ manual to the greatest form of government the world has ever known.”

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Blue Book Breakdown

, Deborah Lambert

If you’re wondering what American students are learning about history these days, it’s worth spending a few minutes reading some entries from Non Campus Mentis.

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Recent Articles

Archie has Two Buddies

, Gabrielle Okun

What works in a Modern Language Association panel for English professors probably won’t succeed in the free market. In the final coup for the progressive-leaning Archie Comics crew, Archie himself—America’s hero—was shot to death while…

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College Football on Strike

, Ethan Gaitz

The efforts of Northwestern University’s scholarship football players to unionize could have profound implications for the future of college education. According to the Associated Press, Northwestern University just filed a 60-page brief with the National…

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This is a College Course?

, Ethan Gaitz

Young people who want to spend their college years to undergoing radical intellectual transformations do so typically through the study of liberal arts. No other academic scheme is able to challenge the preconceived notions that…

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Ball State Bonanza

, Ethan Gaitz

Bureaucratic ineptitude is nothing new to the American public (as well as the readership of AIA). It becomes almost invariably more difficult for an agency or institution to function smoothly once it reaches a certain…

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College Costs Exploding

, Ethan Gaitz

Any sanguine prognosticators who may have predicted a decline in the average cost of attending college may need to rethink how they arrived at such an off-the mark conclusion. At least 50 American colleges and…

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College Indoctrination Hits a Wall

, Malcolm A. Kline

College faculties may be further to the political left than they have ever been but students aren’t necessarily following in the same direction. “In 1971 National Review published the results of a poll of undergraduates…

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