Recent Articles

Statement a Victory for Academic Freedom

, Jon Sanders

Last week the American Council on Education released a “Statement on Academic Rights and Responsibilities,” endorsed by dozens of affiliated groups, including the American Association of University Professors, Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, and others.

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Gag Orders at UC Santa Cruz

, Tammi Rossman-Benjamin

Last March, Itamar Marcus, the director of Palestinian Media Watch, spoke at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He was one in a series of speakers brought to the university by a small group of university faculty, students and community members seeking to redress the imbalance of ideas about Israel and the Jews.

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Carter Administration Curricula

, Malcolm A. Kline

If the policies of former President Jimmy Carter seem more successful in their college classroom retelling than they do when matched up against the historical record, it might be because so many alumni of the one-term chief executive’s administration are themselves academics.

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Carnal College

, Malcolm A. Kline

Ben Shapiro’s new book, Porn Generation, may serve to expose a generational divide. Subtitled How Social Liberalism Is Corrupting Our Future, the book’s more lurid details might leave many in Shapiro’s age bracket (21) nonplussed but the middle-aged among us aghast.

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From The Editor

, Malcolm A. Kline

Pope Benedict XVI, with the Cold War that John Paul helped to end largely over, has indicated that he will devote more attention to American colleges and universities that are Catholic in Name Only.

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Chicago Hope

, Larry Scholer

While Chicago’s West Side may be one of the nation’s most dangerous neighborhoods, a school has emerged as a beacon of hope in the area.

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Air Force Academy Insensitive to Christians

, William A. Donahue

The recent Air Force Academy report concludes that there is no “overt religious discrimination” taking place at the Academy, but there are examples of “insensitivity.” What is not being reported is the insensitive climate that has been created for practicing Christians.

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California Teachers Forcibly United

, Malcolm A. Kline

Although the public employees union is presenting a united front in opposition to one of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ballot initiatives, members of the California Teachers Association are far from unified over the amount of capital that the CTA plans to spend to defeat the measure.

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Dajjal Watch

, Malcolm A. Kline

One of the remarkable aspects of the War on Terror is the degree to which those who sympathize with movements with which the United States is in armed military conflict operate openly in America.

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Follies at UNC

, Christine Inauen and Malcolm A. Kline

One would think that you could avoid encountering the looniest of academic leftists by attending campuses south of the Mason-Dixon Line. Maybe not.

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Recent Articles

Decoding Common Core Math

, Malcolm A. Kline

If the Common Core education reforms introduced by President Obama and supported by big-name Republicans were subject to peer review, they might become a “whatever became of?” question. “Take, for example, my first-grade son’s Common…

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Jobs for Humanities Majors?

, Malcolm A. Kline

As commencement approaches, this year’s graduating seniors can look forward to pep talks about how employable humanities majors are. “Upon graduating from college, those who majored in the humanities and social science made, on average,…

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Trustee Who Verifies

, Malcolm A. Kline

We have long held that trustees don’t do nearly enough to act as a reality check on the universities they are entrusted with. Of course, when one comes along, the universities don’t like it one…

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Trio Fights Michigan Union

, Malcolm A. Kline

A trio of Michigan public school teachers is actually fighting with their union. “The Mackinac Center Legal Foundation brought a suit on behalf of Angela Steffke, Rebecca Metz and Nancy Rhatigan, who were forced to…

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Media + Academic Bias

, Malcolm A. Kline

The real test of the bias in academia revolves around who gets admitted to the faculty lounge. “MSNBC television host, award-winning scholar and Wake Forest University alumna Melissa Harris-Perry (‘94) will return this summer to…

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Educators Fear Paper Military

, Malcolm A. Kline

With literacy rates among high school graduates ever more of a mystery, educators are worried about…defense spending on education. Never mind that the Department of Defense is one of the few federal agencies experiencing funding…

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Sillier Than Women’s Studies

, Malcolm A. Kline

For decades we have devoted ample space to the deconstruction of women’s studies only to find that there is something even more inane being taught on American campuses—men’s studies. This year, the American Men’s Studies…

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High Road to Serfdom

, Malcolm A. Kline

The startling thing about the books academics typically dismiss as relics of the past is the uncanny manner in which they anticipate the present.

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