Recent Articles

Democracy Codes

, Larry Scholer

Stefan Braun’s analysis of speech codes in Democracy Off Balance: Freedom of Expression and Hate Propaganda in Canada, is not relevant only to the situation in the author’s country.

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David Deming Fights Back

, Larry Scholer

After months of persecution by the administration of the University of Oklahoma, geophysicist David Deming answered back with more than a letter-to-the-editor or inter-office memo. He has sued OU officials in federal court.

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Iowa Indoctrination

, Larry Scholer

In order to major in journalism, students must take two prerequisites, one of which is Cultural and Historical Foundations Communication. Those who expect a course in the history of journalism will be disappointed.

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Kwanzaa U

, Malcolm A. Kline

We are reminded in December by television commercials and billboards that this time of year, people not only celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah but also the African feast of Kwanzaa. But how African, or for that matter, how African-American is Kwanzaa?

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Christmas Makes a Comeback

, Malcolm A. Kline

Although the American Civil Liberties Union and its hand-maidens have been doing their level best to keep the Christmas spirit extinguished, the Catholic League reports that the spirit of the season is alive and well.

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Nittany Nonsense

, Malcolm A. Kline

Penn State alumni urging the school’s president, Graham Spanier, to fire iconic college football coach Joe Paterno over the Nittany Lions recent losses may want to look at a bigger loser in University Park—the academic program.

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Recent Articles

Massive Open Online Catholicism

, Malcolm A. Kline

A professor at a Catholic college claims to make “A Catholic Case Against MOOCs [Massive Open Online Courses]” in the Chronicle of Higher Education but his arguments never veer far from the secular.

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