The film challenges extreme but growing ideas such as that of Gordon Feldman, professor at Brandeis University who described terrorism as merely “ways of inflicting revenge on an enemy that seems unable or unwilling to respond to rational pleas for discussion and justice.”
Recent Articles
Fahrenheit 9-11 Torpedoed
The withdrawal of George Mason University’s (GMU) speaking invitation to controversial filmmaker Michael Moore stands out in a school year in which the presidential election gives college professors and administrators the chance to vividly display their partisan biases.
Barely Civil Rights At UNC And Beyond
When a college professor upbraided a student in an e-mail to the class over that student’s refusal to accept homosexuality in a discussion centered around that topic, the instructor set off a chain reaction that led to a federal investigation.
(X) Free Speech (X)
In this day and age, it is interesting to see what type of free speech that college and universities allow. A survey of some recent cases suggests that they find political statements risky, particularly conservative ones, but pornography fair game.
Multiculturally Mired Education
Leaf through a school textbook and you’ll find that there is a definite pattern behind multiculturalism’s reshaping of the curriculum.
Colleges Choking On Cash
School officials have no trouble finding projects to spend budget dollars on: Duke University, for example, gives each freshman a cutting-edge high tech i-pod for no particular reason.
Black Rock & The Ivory Tower
Some of the media heavyweights who weighed in on the CBS scandal also moonlight as college professors. Some of these journalists, in turn, remain perplexed about the the story itself.
The Case Of The Petrified Professor
In warning a sympathetic Washington, D. C. audience of the “fearmongering” of the Bush Administration, a Brooklyn College professor conjured up some demons of his own.
Feds Find Racial And Sexual Discrimination At UNC-Chapel Hill
The Department of Education finally caught up with heterophobe Professor Elyse Crystall but the faculty there is trying hard not to notice.
Despite the harsh criticism this election season has spawned of President George W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind (NCLB), progress is being made, according to its proponents.
Recent Articles
Professor Downplays Drug Danger
You may not want to take medical advice from academics who weigh in on public controversies.
M. Stanton Evans uncovers Stalin’s Secret Agents in New Deal
Journalist M. Stanton Evans uncovers Stalin’s Secret Agents in New Deal at Accuracy in Academia author’s night on June 18, 2013.
Right Back After Investigation
Our correspondent went to an education seminar and ran into yet another scandal involving the Obama Administration.
Out On The Fringe
“One of the reasons that we’re losing the culture war right now is that indoctrination begins in pre-school and by the time you get to college you’re way out on the fringe.” —Dr. Ben Carson
Dancing With The Candidates
“You got to know at least as much about the candidates you’re voting for as you do about the candidates on Dancing With the Stars.”—Dr. Ben Carson
AIA Endorses FIRE Letter
New regulations from the U. S. Department of Education (DOE) are threatening to cripple the First Amendment on American college campuses. Accuracy in Academia has signed onto a letter that the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) is sending to the agency.
Fighting The Power
An academic may find happiness in government work but what will she leave in her wake?
The Education Bubble & Poverty
A major problem with the student loan bubble is that federal financial aid goes to some students that are not in dire need.
Entitlements for English Professors
At least, they seem to think they are sometimes.
American Education Failing Poor
The Hamilton Project, an education initiative attached to the Brookings Institute, recently unveiled a study on how education fails low-income high achieving students.