He may not be running for president lately but Jeb Bush is still devoting all of his oratorical skills to the subject of education.
Topic: Jeb Bush
Former Florida governor Jeb Bush will bring his legendary low energy to the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), ostensibly to promote Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) but we wouldn’t be against him giving a shout out, or the Bush family equivalent of one, to Common Core.
Academic Gets The Right Wrong
In the Chronicle Review, a Stanford historian interviews George Nash, distinguished chronicler of the political right, with the pretty tacit intent of bashing Trump supporters. “It might be preposterous in this, the year of Trump,…
Rand Paul Visits GW Campus, Talks about Drugs, Libertarianism
Libertarian-leaning GOP presidential candidate for 2016, Rand Paul, visited George Washington University’s Foggy Bottom campus and spoke on his key issues: decriminalization of marijuana and revoking mandatory jail sentences for drug possession, onerous government surveillance…
Common Core Disses Bilingual Education
The bad reviews of Common Core keep pouring in, and not just from the right of center. “Among bilingual educators there has been much debate about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS),” Jeff Bale writes…
Jeb Bush, John Kasich Distance Themselves from Common Core Support
Looks like they are backtracking way too fast for comfort on their past support of Common Core, huh?
Several GOP Presidential Candidates Increased College Spending as Governors
At least half a dozen current and former governors are running for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. Two-thirds of that sextet have records on higher education that resemble those of their Democratic counterparts. The John…
Do Universities Avoid Secure Communities?
As we have noted, universities take a different view of unchecked immigration than the general populace does. Moreover, when law schools teach courses on immigration statutes, there’s one they might be missing. For example, at…
Michelle Malkin: Jeb Bush and His Common Core Cronies
Malkin’s great take on Jeb Bush and why he is so adamant to defend his Common Core stance (i.e. it’s about the money). She brought back what she wrote last year, and it still rings…
Condoleezza Rice takes over Jeb Bush’s Educational Foundation
The former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is taking over Jeb Bush’s education outfit now that Jeb is running in the 2016 race for president. What isn’t said is that Jeb Bush’s Foundation for Excellence in…