Two more universities have reversed plans to bring back students to its campuses for the upcoming fall semester: Notre Dame and Michigan State. These institutions join a growing list of campuses which will start with…
Topic: Michigan State University
Michigan State University’s Residence Hall Association to Gift Items, Funded by Student Fees
A Michigan State University student event will award prizes such as GoPro cameras, AirPods and a television to attendees, which is invite-only (and the invitee can bring up to four people with him or herself).
University Researchers Create App to Battle ‘Implicit Biases’
A new app developed by university researchers aims to help teachers eliminate their “implicit biases” about students.
Michigan State University Awards ‘Intercultural Competence’ Badges to Participating Students
Michigan State University offers ‘intercultural competence’ badges for students who participate in a program for career readiness. So does Michigan State believe that badges will be awarded in the workplace?
Liberal MSU Students Give Trump Economic Credit
Despite former President Obama’s efforts, it appears that at least one of the communities he organized is giving the current president, albeit grudgingly, credit for the economic gains that have occurred, well, during the Trump years.
Michigan State Defensive Back Takes Knee
And when he was finished praying, he joined the Air Force instead of the NFL.
Michigan State University Holds Mandatory Multicultural Workshop, Makes Employees Pay for Attending It
A multicultural training workshop is being held by Michigan State University, and the university requires staff members to attend as well as have them pay $75 as a fee to attend.
MSU Students Protest New President
Because he’s a Republican.
Michigan State Settles Lawsuit with Controversial Speaker over Free Speech Protections
Michigan State University settled a lawsuit with a white supremacist to let him speak on their campus during their spring break.
Mayor Criticized Trump in Political Science Class at Michigan State University
A mayor criticized President Trump in a political science presentation at Michigan State University, calling the president “a pathetic excuse,” among other criticisms.