Princeton held a Hispanics-only graduation for graduates of the Carl A. Fields Center for Equality and Cultural Understanding.
Topic: MRCTV
University of Arkansas Offers Discounts to Students who Acknowledge Rape Statistics
The ‘rape culture’ narrative is alive and well at the University of Arkansas: According to a flier obtained by MRCTV, the University of Arkansas is holding a “That’s so 6%” campaign for people to acknowledge…
Library of Congress Changes Term “Illegal Aliens” after Dartmouth Students Issue a Complaint
Political correctness wins, again. *sigh* Photo by The Library of Congress Photo by The Library of Congress
University: Adele’s “Hello” Song Encourages Sexual Harassment
The University of Oklahoma has a center called the “Gender+Equality Center” and they don’t like Adele’s song, “Hello.” Photo by AlexKormisPS (ALM)
Feminists Force University to Not Recognize Men’s Rights Group
This is Canada for you: Ryerson University has denied the final appeal to recognize a student group dedicated to addressing issues impacting men because feminists said its existence does not promote equality and would make…
Students Sign Petition to Ban ‘White Christmas’ due to Racism
Media Research Center’s Dan Joseph fooled college students yet again, this time, getting them to sign a petition to ban the Christmas song due to racism.
No Legos for Boys, says Kindergarten Teacher
All in the name of gender equality. Huh?!
Georgia Tech May Change Fight Song to ‘Reflect’ Female Achievements
Yes, there’s a petition to change the fight song to reflect the achievements of women. This is getting crazy.
Federal Gov’t Study Costs $438K to Study if Drunk Hookups Lead to HIV
This isn’t a joke. Media Research Center has more on the story: The federal government is spending $437,739 in taxpayer dollars for psychology students at Kalamazoo College to study whether getting drunk and sleeping around…
Stealing from Wal-Mart isn’t a Crime, says College Administrator
The Director of Community Relations at the University of Wisconsin-Madison made this claim, which is ridiculous when you think of the rule of law.