A report issued by Open The Books, a nonprofit watchdog group, revealed that Ivy League schools have benefited from taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and federal payments from 2010 to 2015, to the tune of $41.59…
Topic: taxpayers
‘Unconscious Bias’ Training Run by Feds Costs Over $700,000
This is a ridiculous waste of taxpayer dollars to train college professors to eliminate their ‘unconscious’ biases.
UC-Santa Barbara Professor Likes Citizens Paying for Illegal Immigrants’ Education
A professor is fine with having taxpayers pay for illegal immigrants’ tuition. Are you okay with that?
California University President Janet Napolitano Sets Apart $25 Million for Illegal Immigrant Students
This abuse of taxpayer dollars is appalling, but it is California: University of California President Janet Napolitano on Wednesday announced an earmark of $25.2 million from the system’s taxpayer-funded coffers to help support a variety of programs that assist undocumented UC students.
North Carolina Colleges Raise Budgets, but Leave Students in Debt
An excerpt from the Pope Center’s report on the state of North Carolina universities and colleges: For example, North Carolina has the fourth-highest per-student state funding in the country. The UNC system has been well-funded…
Federal Gov’t Study Costs $438K to Study if Drunk Hookups Lead to HIV
This isn’t a joke. Media Research Center has more on the story: The federal government is spending $437,739 in taxpayer dollars for psychology students at Kalamazoo College to study whether getting drunk and sleeping around…
Several GOP Presidential Candidates Increased College Spending as Governors
At least half a dozen current and former governors are running for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. Two-thirds of that sextet have records on higher education that resemble those of their Democratic counterparts. The John…