Because the Ninth Circuit is still fighting reality.
Topic: The Daily Caller
NYT Editor To Stanford Students: We’re Biased
It’s academic subscribers may insist that the Grey Lady is neutral but at least one editor at the New York Times knows better and said as much to students at Stanford.
CNN Rebuts Parkland Student’s Claim
CNN denied the claim of a Parkland student that the network tried to script him for a town hall meeting that followed the tragic shooting at the Florida school.
CNN Uses Human High School Shield
When CNN finds a high school student perfectly willing and able to speak for himself, they give him a script.
JROTC Students Rescue Classmates
The tragic shooting in Parkland, Florida would have been even worse were it not for a pair of JROTC students.
The College Student As Cash Cow
Universities like to portray students as the reason for their existence but evidence is mounting to the contrary
Princeton Physicist Deconstructs Climate Change Models
A Princeton physicist has shared an inconvenient truth of his own–climate change models are based on an alternate reality.
California Senate Requires Abortion Pill In College
Because mere abortion-on-demand is too pro-life a position for them.
Berkeley v U. S. Justice Department
Maybe not for the first time but perhaps for a new reason.
Newsflash: Students Are Getting Less Indoctrination
Because their teachers are spending less time in the classroom.