The controversial teaching assistant Irami Osei-Frimpong, who said it would be okay for ‘some white people’ to die in the name of black liberation, was cleared by a university panel to teach again.
Topic: University of Georgia
University of Georgia Graduate Student Fights ‘Permanent Probation’ after Controversial Remarks Went Viral
The controversial University of Georgia teaching assistant claimed that he declined to be placed under “permanent probation” and will face the administration in a formal hearing.
Controversial Teaching Assistant at Georgia Defended by Workers’ Union over ‘White People May Have to Die’ Remark
A controversial teaching assistant at the University of Georgia, who said that ‘some white people may have to die’ is okay, now has a defender in the form of the university union.
University of Georgia Teaching Assistant Under Fire for Anti-White Comments
University of Georgia is investigating a teaching assistant for his anti-white remarks.
University of Georgia Employee Wants Transgender Healthcare
Because he is the change she’s been waiting for.
Professor: Instagram Photos Perpetuate ‘Traditional Gender Roles’
Apparently, selfies (i.e. photos of oneself often taken from a smartphone) are pushing ‘traditional gender roles’ at the University of Georgia.
Socialist Student Group Rebrands Self after Tweet on Using a Guillotine on GOP
Using the guillotine on congressional Republicans got a socialist student group in hot water at the University of Georgia.
Judge to Georgia: Illegal Immigrant Students Should be Charged In-State Tuition
A Georgia judge told the University of Georgia system that it has to charge illegal immigrant students in-state tuition. The university’s Board of Regents will challenge the ruling, since at least one previous ruling had…
Equal Rights Protection Clause Cited in Illegal Immigrant Lawsuit against University of Georgia
From Campus Reform: Two law firms are suing the University System of Georgia on behalf of three illegal immigrants over its policy barring persons not lawfully present in the United States from qualifying for admissions….
UGA Dean says a Monica Lewinsky Joke could Encourage Sexual Harassment
After an University of Georgia professor accidentally sent a pun-filled and off-color joke about Monica Lewinsky to a student listserv than his colleagues, a dean at the university said it was inappropriate (which he’s probably…