Topic: University of New Hampshire
Arc de Trivial
The disintegration of higher education is depressing enough to cover on a daily basis but when you look at the arc of it at years end, it gets really melancholy.
Search For Global Warming Yields Snow
And leaves academics stunned.
New Hampshire College Students Demand Stores Stop Selling Ponchos, Sombreros
Get a grip, Millennials: College students in New Hampshire want stores to stop selling sombreros and ponchos to avoid cultural appropriation in future ‘Cinco de Mayo’ festivities.
College to Host Event on ‘White Privilege vs. White Supremacy’
From Campus Reform: Next week, the University of New Hampshire is hosting an event to discuss the distinctions between “White Privilege” and “White Supremacy.” “In a post-inauguration nation, many topics have surfaced as a point…
University of New Hampshire to Investigate Whether Women’s Studies Dept Violated Political Neutrality
From Campus Reform: According to The Union Leader, school officials announced they would not seek to punish the two students, nor the professors who called for their expulsion, although several of the professors have since…
University of New Hampshire: Gender Microaggressions cause Heart Disease in Women
This whole microaggressions thing is getting out of hand: The University of New Hampshire, which previously caused controversy after publishing a language guide claiming the word “American” was “problematic,” is now claiming that gender microaggressions are…
New Hampshire’s Bias-Free Language Guide Pulled
The outcry over the guide led to the guide being pulled. The University of New Hampshire (UNH) has renounced a controversial “Bias-Free Language Guide” and removed it from the university’s website. As originally reported by…
The Word “American” is Offensive to New Hampshire University Officials
They even published a guidebook to tell students which words are “problematic” to use on their campus at the University of New Hampshire.
New Hampshire College will Teach Course about DeflateGate
Really? How do deflated footballs in the National Football League actually help students learn real-life applications?!