Those students at green colleges learning about sustainability and reducing their carbon footprint might want to consider the record of those who represent such initiatives.
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A Private Climate Policy?
Governments should abandon their climate-change-related taxes and regulations, turning instead to the courts for answers regarding anthropogenic global warming’s (AGW) affect on property rights, argues University of Buckingham fellow Graham Dawson in the January issue of The Free Market, a newsletter issued by The Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Penn State Climategate Updates
Professor Michael Mann is under investigation by his employer, Penn State University, for his role in the Climategate emails. Since the 60-day investigation began in November more details should be available by the end of January, say University officials.
ClimateGate Investigations Galore
In a recent British news broadcast one University of East Anglia professor went to bat for Phil Jones and his colleagues over at the University’s Climate Research Unit. The topic of conversation was Jones’ controversial ClimateGate correspondence.
ClimateGate Investigations Ensue
Phil Jones—the director of the Climate Research Unit and persona extraordinaire at the epicenter of the ClimateGate scandal—announced today that he will be “stepping aside” until an independent review of his actions have been completed.
Climate Control
Global warming alarmists in academia who seek to extend their influence beyond the controlled environs of their own classrooms are getting help from admiring moviemakers
Georgetown University announces plan to divest from fossil fuel
Georgetown University announced it will divest from fossil fuels in the next five to ten years after pressure from climate change activists.
Retired Professor: Having “One Less Child” would be Good for the Earth
A retired University of Washington professor wrote a letter to the editor on climate change and said that having “one less child” would be good for Mother Earth.
Georgetown University: Social Justice Courses Galore?
Georgetown University, a liberal Jesuit Catholic higher education, is featuring social justice in courses related to the Bible, climate change and documentary production.
Science Fair Project Gets Overruled BY SCOTUS
A climate change court case brought by students just got blocked by the Supreme Court.