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Academic Millionaires


You can always count on Democratic candidates for president to bash millionaires, even while cultivating their friendship and support behind the scenes. Yet and still, what you are never likely to hear is their inclusion…

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College Spending Spree

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Every year, millionaire college presidents and lobbyists come to Washington, D. C. to plead for more federal money from American taxpayers in order to educate the public but you get a different story when you actually go to a few college towns.

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Million-Dollar Man

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If the CEO of any business became a millionaire overnight by a vote of the board, you would have heard about it by now. When a college president achieves this feat, though, it gets covered by—the college newspaper.

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Nickle and Dimed

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Long before America became accustomed to corporate fat cats asking for handouts like well-dressed homeless people, a cadre of millionaires has been subsidized by Uncle Sam with precious little oversight. Of course, we’re talking about college presidents.

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