Berkeley is creating a financial version of the heckler’s veto, and it must be rejected.
Articles By: John K. Wilson
The Tennessee Legislature’s Defense of Campus Free Speech
John K. Wilson of the AAUP writes about the new campus free speech law in Tennessee and some of the pros and cons of the law.
New McAdams Ruling Attacks Academic Freedom
John K. Wilson of the AAUP points out the problems in a recent legal decision by a judge to uphold the suspension of Marquette University professor John McAdams over academic freedom
Does the University of Chicago Really Protect Free Expression?
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on the Academe Blog. It’s praiseworthy that the University of Chicago has announced to its students a “commitment to freedom of inquiry and expression.” But there is a…
DePaul Bans Campus Speaker
Editor’s Note: This piece was originally published on the Academe Blog. DePaul University has banned conservative pundit Ben Shapiro from speaking on campus to the Young Americans for Freedom student group. Bob Janis, Vice President…
John McAdams Punished With Longer Suspension, Forced Apology
Editor’s Note: This post originally appeared in the AAUP’s Academe Blog. Marquette University yesterday announced the punishment of John McAdams for his crime of publicly criticizing a graduate student teacher’s pedagogy on his blog: He will…
Tim Wolfe Resigns from the University of Missouri
John K. Wilson on the American Association of University Professors blog offered his own interesting take on the UMizzou controversy: Tim Wolfe, president of the University of Missouri, resigned this morning under intense pressure. I’m…
Barry University Suspends Student for Video
Laura Loomer, a student at Barry University, was suspended on Monday. Her crime? Embarrassing the university, by recording an undercover video for James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas in which she duped employees into expressing support for…
University of South Carolina Wrongly Suspends Student for Racism
The University of South Carolina has suspended a student, apparently for writing the N-word on a white board in a study room on campus, revealed in a photo that was posted online: This controversy has…
Amherst’s War on Frats
Amherst College, which banned fraternities and sororities in 1984, has now taken this an alarming step further: starting July 1, any students participating in an unofficial fraternity or sorority will be punished, and could be expelled….