Articles By: karenengland_173

San Diego Secularism


Despite the fact that Brad Johnson, a respected 30-year veteran teacher in San Diego’s Poway Unified School District, had displayed several education banners in his classroom referencing “God” for nearly 25 years, school officials nonetheless ordered him to take them down.

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School Gag Order Lifted


Three years ago during the homosexual Day of Silence, a Christian high school student in Poway, Chase Harper, decided to wear a t-shirt stating: “I will not accept what God has condemned” and “Homosexuality is shameful. Romans 1:27.” When Harper refused school administrators’ demands to remove his t-shirt, he was suspended from school.

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God Censored From Yearbook


Liberty Union High School district in Contra Costa [California] this week changed its policy banning parent-paid religious ads from its yearbook. The change was instigated after the school district received a letter from the Pacific Justice Institute (PJI), explaining that the policy is a violation of free speech rights.

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