Articles By: Malcolm A. Kline

Green Grow the Children


Green used to mean young, inexperienced and naïve. Arguably, it still does. “According to a poll by Habitat Heroes, one in three American schoolchildren fears that the earth will not exist when he grows up,” Ashley Thorne writes in the June 2010 issue of The Education Reporter.

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History Behind The Scenes


Two events in recent weeks point out the danger of leaving history to the historians. One is the inclusion of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin in a D-Day memorial commemorating an invasion he never took part in. The other is the rating of Stalin ally Franklin D. Roosevelt as America’s greatest president, according to leading academics.

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Columbia: Anatomy of Anarchy


For most of the past half century, Columbia University has provided endless fodder for news outlets such as ours. Indeed, as Accuracy in Academia discovered, the campus left has veto power over not just the curriculum but extracurricular activities as well.

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Self-Esteem Bottoms Out


While everyone from Middle American parents to the U. S. Secretary of Education are expressing a lack of confidence in the ability of ed schools to deliver qualified teachers to public schools, the deans of those institutions have no such angst.

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