Articles By: Malcolm A. Kline

Public School Pedophilia


If a Catholic priest, or, for that matter, any cleric, abuses his position in pursuit of carnal knowledge, expect the story to get front-page treatment. When a public school employee tries to improve his love life by hitting on students, no matter how young, you can find the story covered in…three paragraphs at the bottom of page 19.

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Elementary Ed Wood


Wherever he is, long-deceased underground filmmaker Ed Wood must feel vindicated. When he was alive, Wood’s arena—transexualism—was considered outside the mainstream. Now, it is the mainstream, at least in public schools.

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Comic Book Culture


In a day and age in which college standards have dropped so low that it is possible to graduate from a name university without having read a book, a course on “Comics and Culture” might seem apropos but that irony is lost on the creators of the Juniata College course.

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