Articles By: Malcolm A. Kline

Nittany Nonsense


Penn State alumni urging the school’s president, Graham Spanier, to fire iconic college football coach Joe Paterno over the Nittany Lions recent losses may want to look at a bigger loser in University Park—the academic program.

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Cold War at Colgate


Although most Americans credit President Ronald Reagan with winning this country’s Cold War with the former Soviet Union, many universities offer a different spin on the half-century-old conflict, such as the one frequently taught at Colgate University.

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Those of us who suffered through the old math nevertheless saw the nice, linear relationship between the first numbers that we learned to add and subtract and the checkbooks that we had to balance later in life. Today’s public school students are not always so fortunate.

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Rent A Police State


The campus security guards once derided by students as “rent-a-cops” are now giving the term “thought police” a very literal meaning, if the experience of two Stanford University Ph. D. candidates serves as any guide.

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