Here’s a tidbit you are unlikely to get from the Women’s Studies Center: Mothers in countries with restrictive abortion laws are healthier than those in nations which have abortion on demand.
Faculty Lounge
Reasons Not to Shower
One Edinburgh University climate scientist argues in a December New Scientist article that common activities such as washing clothes, using toilet paper and drinking coffee are among the “five eco-crimes we commit every day.”
Binghamton Professor Antoun, R.I.P.
Our prayers go out to the family and friends of former Binghamton University professor Richard T. Antoun, who was brutally murdered on Friday.
Sex Ed Overwhelms Abstinence
Opponents of abstinence education who say it doesn’t work speak with some authority: They’ve been doing their level best to defeat it.
Safe Schools Czar Reading List Unveiled
Accuracy in Academia has long reported on the types of smut promoted in America’s public schools. Now a “team of independent researchers” has prepared a report on the GLSEN reading list for students.
Ayers Criticizes Obama Surge
Radical UIC professor Bill Ayers took to the streets of Chicago protesting President Obama’s recently-announced surge in Afghanistan.
Update: Duke’s Lombard Seeks Plea Deal
Update: Former Duke University employee Frank Lombard will seek a plea agreement to charges that he sexually exploited a minor. Details of the agreement will be made available at a plea hearing on December 17,…
The Teleprompter
Although a veteran of the college lecture circuit, President Obama’s speech at West Point may have marked the first time he has ever spoken at an institution of higher learning that actually educates. Alas, he was not up to the challenge.
ClimateGate Investigations Ensue
Phil Jones—the director of the Climate Research Unit and persona extraordinaire at the epicenter of the ClimateGate scandal—announced today that he will be “stepping aside” until an independent review of his actions have been completed.
Duke’s Lombard May Plead Guilty
Neil Offen at the Herald Sun reports that Duke University’s Frank Lombard may be preparing a plea agreement. Lombard is accused of sexually abusing his adopted son.