Recent Articles

Hate Slandering Hoaxes? So Do We!

, Jay Schalin

At first glance, it appeared as if the posters were indeed the work of the YAF. That is, it was the only clue if you accept the premise that conservatives are by nature racist, and not clever enough to hide it

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Baptist Backlash

, Malcolm A. Kline

Like cashiered anchorman Howard Beale in the cinematic classic Network, an increasing number of Southern Baptists are mad as Hades about the content of public education and not going to take it anymore.

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World Bank Wobblies

, Malcolm A. Kline

Students who protested at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund a couple of weeks ago may not be on the side they wanted to join.

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Community College Bowl

, Malcolm A. Kline

Many years ago—16 to be exact—Saturday Night Live broadcast a sketch called Community College Bowl in which slow-witted contestants slowly answered simple questions normally asked of grade school students. The writers of that sketch may have been way ahead of their time.

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Recent Articles

The Cost of Common Core

, Malcolm A. Kline

It may not work terribly well but Common Core sure is expensive. “The treatment of textbooks as mountains of words is one of the signature elements of Common Core,” Peter Wood of the National Association…

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A World Without SATs

, Malcolm A. Kline

Last year, Hampshire College became the first institution of higher learning in the country to categorically reject using SATs as an admissions requirement. The college’s president, Jonathan Last, waxed rhapsodic about the results of the…

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