Recent Articles


, Bryan Rudnick

University of California Los Angeles rescinded an invitation issued to
Carl Braun, California State Director for The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, to
a debate scheduled for this evening with Dr. Yaron Brook of the Ayn Rand
Institute regarding border security.

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Bucknell Bouquets

, Samantha Soller

The Bucknell University Conservatives Club is selling flowers to benefit a women’s shelter as a Valentine’s Day alternative to the obligatory campus staging of Eve Ensler’s Monologues.

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Deluth Truth Consequences

, Michelle Miller

Conservative college
students at the University of Minnesota-Duluth distributed 1,300 more copies of
their independent newspaper, the Duluth
, after vandals destroyed hundreds of copies of the first distribution

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Eco-Freak U

, Malcolm A. Kline

A new book exposes environmental scares that have become textbook mainstays but bear more than a passing resemblance to urban legends.

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Angels in East Brunswick

, Nisha N. Mohammed

The Rutherford Institute, acting as co-counsel for Coach Marcus Borden, has filed a brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit defending the right of the high school football coach to silently bow his head and bend his knee while members of the football team engage in the time-honored practice of student-initiated pre-game prayer.

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Campus Footnotes

, Malcolm A. Kline

At a time when the newly seated U. S. Congress is moving to increase federal aid to higher education, one way or another, yet another college has broken the one-billion-dollar mark in its endowment cache—George Washington University.

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Recent Articles

More Pre-K Education and Neuroscience

, Spencer Irvine

Pre-K education has been a large part of the Obama administration’s educational efforts, but does it have a lasting effect? Jack Shonkoff, a Harvard University professor in public health, made the case that early education…

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