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Blinded by Majority

, Julia A. Seymour

Mark Bauerlein told the committee on academic freedom that bias can easily become institutionalized, making it invisible to those inside academia.

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Exit Public Education

, Don Irvine

In another sign that public education continues on a downward spiral the New York Times reported last week that a judge in Oakland, California issued a preliminary injunction barring the state from issuing exit exams to high school seniors before they receive their diplomas.

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Recent Articles

NYU Professor links Immigration to Gays

, Spencer Irvine

New York University Professor Cristina Beltrán, a professor who researches feminism, race and gender issues, gave a workshop at UCLA on how illegal immigration is related to gays and the LGBT community. In short, immigrants are…

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Bipartisan Common Core Opposition

, Malcolm A. Kline

Contrary to popular belief, aka news media coverage, opposition to the Common Core education reforms of President Obama is stretching across party lines. “The Democratic Party in the state of Washington just passed a resolution…

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