Recent Articles

Campus PC Rebellion

, Deborah Lambert

Parents aren’t the only ones bristling over campus political correctness battles, and the prospect of paying over $200,000 per child for four years of college. Contributions from alumni have declined steadily over the past several years and now hover around 13 percent.

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Class Notes

, Malcolm A. Kline

Fired essentially for no other reason than acting on her conservative Republican beliefs in her free time, acclaimed sociologist Jean Cobbs has long been a dissident whose tribulations AIA has followed with concern.

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CINO Spotlight on DePaul

, Malcolm A. Kline

Given the school’s propensity to discipline professors who make pro-Israel statements and defend those who attack Church policy and traditions, a case could be made to name DePaul University in Chicago as a college that is Catholic in Name Only.

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Recent Articles

Dumbed-Down Common Core

, Malcolm A. Kline

Big name Republicans and putative conservatives signing onto the Obama Administration’s Common Core education reforms in the belief that they will raise standards in public schools may want to entertain the possibility that they will actually lower them.

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Stuck in the Sixties

, Malcolm A. Kline

Academics, the very people who claim they want “progress” “going forward,” frequently want to turn back the clock a half century or so.

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Columbia Credits Fox

, Don Irvine

The Columbia Journalism Review, which is not known for its conservative views, published an article yesterday by Alexis Sobel Fitts that credits Fox News for giving opponents more of a voice than does MSNBC.

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Universities Want More Money

, Malcolm A. Kline

A team of researchers from Penn looked at the condition of higher education and came to about the same conclusion that academics usually come to when pressed to make a self-examination: Universities need more money.

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Common Core: Epic Fail

, Malcolm A. Kline

One of the fascinating things about journalism is looking at the factual data that both sides of a controversy agree on and finding that the facts support the critics’ viewpoints.

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Blue Campuses Get Bluer

, Malcolm A. Kline

The Obama Administration’s former Homeland Security Chief has taken over the University of California. “Janet Napolitano had zero experience leading a college before she became president of the University of California last year,” Eric Kelderman wrote in The Chonicle of Higher Education.

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Checks, Balances, And Checkbooks

, David Corbin and Matthew Parks

One wonders whether Christie ever imagined such a small return on the personal political investment he made when praising the Obama Administration’s declaration of superintendence over Hurricane Sandy relief a week before the 2012 presidential election.

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Higher Education’s Debt Kiss

, Malcolm A. Kline

The U. S. Department of Education wants for-profit colleges to prove that their graduates are gainfully employed. For their part, the for-profits claim that their non-profit counterparts would fail such a test.

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