Recent Articles

Bucknell Bends Left

, Matt Gabler

Bucknell Women’s Resource Center director Molly Dragiewicz was offered the chance to co-sponsor a speech by American Enterprise Institute scholar Christina Hoff Sommers. Dragiewicz responded by smearing Sommers as “opposed to gender equity” and lacking in “intellectual integrity.”

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Elementary Excuses

, Malcolm A. Kline

If school boards across the country find themselves at war with parents, they might be under siege because of the bullseye that they have metaphorically painted on their backs.

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Environmentally Correct

, Malcolm A. Kline

Although he still considers himself an environmentalist, law professor David Schoenbrod’s embrace of free market approaches to protecting the environment are viewed with suspicion in the halls of higher education.

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Bruins Blame Israel First

, Jennifer Dekel

Last week UCLA’s Muslim Student Association and United Arab Society sponsored their annual “Justice for Palestine Week,” a four-day anti-Israel lecture series and poster exhibit.

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CINO No More?

, Malcolm A. Kline

The elevation of Pope Benedict XVI to the Papal Suite at the Vatican might give some of America’s Catholic colleges and universities the chance to be more than Catholic in Name Only.

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Academic Bias Documented Again

, Shannon Blosser

It’s not just at institutions like the Santa Clara University, UNC-Chapel Hill, and others that have a large number of professors who subscribe to liberal ideology. Research performed by Dan Klein and others indicates there is a large bias against conservative and libertarian professors in academia today.

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Generation Why

, Larry Scholer

The nation’s political landscape may change drastically in the coming years if today’s college students have their way.

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Recent Articles

Obama Parsed @ MLA

, Malcolm A. Kline

A trio of academics at the Modern Language Association’s (MLA) annual convention took obligatory swipes at conservative critics of the president in a panel on his best-selling memoir, Dreams from My Father. Oddly enough, though, they confirmed the essential facts behind much of the naysayers’ criticisms of that volume.

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Brotherly Love @ MLA

, Spencer Irvine

The recent Modern Language Association (MLA) held a session called, “Vulnerable Expression and the Arab Uprisings” to take a closer look at the post-Arab Spring world.

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2014, MLA Style

, Accuracy in Academia

Find out what English professors are teaching in the latest issue of Accuracy in Academia’s monthly Campus Report newsletter.

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Marxist Poetry @ the MLA

, Malcolm A. Kline

It is one thing to think Marx was a brilliant economist, despite more than a century’s worth of evidence to the contrary. It is quite another to think he was a talented poet.

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Monstrous Thesis @ MLA

, Malcolm A. Kline

It’s hard to say what is more astounding in academe: the projects academics get emotionally attached to or the odd disconnect their finished products have with reality.

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Death of a Study

, Malcolm A. Kline

One of the ironies of the academic tendency to constantly renovate old disciplines is that yesterday’s modernists become today’s “Whatever became of?” question.

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