Recent Articles

The NEA’s Big Apple

, Michele Nagar

In The Worm in the Apple, Peter Brimelow sets out to expose teacher unions as corrupt, selfish institutions that relentlessly pick at the public’s bank account, only to distribute ever-increasing government funds (formerly tax dollars) inefficiently at best, self-servingly at worst.

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Old Left Revisited

, Sean Grindlay

You know that political correctness has gotten out of hand when even leftist stalwart Marcus Raskin conveys his distaste for some of the excesses of PC language.

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College Criminals

, Shannon Blosser

In the span of a month, two killings have shocked the college community at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington, leading to questions regarding the UNC system’s admission policies as well as campus security.

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The Academic XXXstablishment

, Malcolm A. Kline

Making its break from reality official, the American Association of University Professors named as its new chief a college administrator who is famous for sponsoring conferences on sex at a state university.

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Graduation Day “Diversity”

, Malcolm A. Kline

Last month, commencement-day speakers around the country used the podium to deliver the same sort of political broadsides that students can expect to hear if they tune in to this year’s Democratic convention.

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Recent Articles

Bias @ Bowdoin Documented

, Ali Swee

For years, claims of liberal biases on college campuses have run rampant. Peter Wood and Michael Toscano of the National Association of Scholars set out to test these claims in a thorough investigation of Bowdoin College.

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An actual title

, Malcolm A. Kline

An actual title—Bob Meister, Professor of Political and Social Thought in the Department of the History of Consciousness, UC Santa Cruz

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A Promiscuous Education

, Malcolm A. Kline

“What we do is we encourage people to go to college promiscuously.”— Gary Shapiro, president and CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association @ the bloggers’ briefing at the Heritage Foundation.

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Arab Spring Failure Explained

, Malcolm A. Kline

Egyptian human rights activist Cynthia Farahat, the author of the political novel, Cognac, will speak at the next Accuracy in Academia Author’s Night on May 30, 2013. Complementary food and beverages will be provided.

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Federally Regulating Free Speech

, Deborah Lambert

This goes way beyond the Supreme Court ruling that to constitute illegal sexual harassment, sexual advances or other verbal or physical conduct must be severe and pervasive, and create a hostile environment.

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The Sound of Silence

, Deborah Lambert

A 90-page report about leftist bias at the University of California has stirred controversy among academics and other interested parties, but so far, the targets of the study have chosen silence as their weapon of choice.

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