Somehow, a high school student was accepted into Stanford University after writing #BlackLivesMatter in his application 100 times.
Topic: #BlackLivesMatter
William and Mary College President Rebuffed Black Lives Matter Demands such as Tenured Diversity Position
The college president, W. Taylor Reverley III, rebuffed Black Lives Matter demands because he does not like demands being imposed on him. He said suggestions and recommendations are fine, but demands are not. Here is…
Group Pushed for ‘Black Lives Matter’ Week at Philly-Area Schools
Since the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement has appeared to fizzle without political progress, indoctrination is the next step for The Left. This from The College Fix: “Black Lives Matter Week” began yesterday at schools all over…
Northwestern University to Fly a ‘Black Lives Matter’ Flag
This means that Northwestern is the third university to fly a ‘Black Lives Matter’ flag on their college campus, following the lead of the University of Vermont and Illinois State.
Top Ten Articles on Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter made headlines in 2016, with academics, college administrators and college students taking up this banner of anti-police and anti-white privilege on their own college campuses. Here are ten articles from this year…
Sheriff David Clarke: “Cop Under Fire”
The Democrat party’s radical ideology, the nation’s welfare state and the existing educational system detrimentally impact black Americans in poor communities Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. explains in his forthcoming book, “Cop Under Fire:…
Black Lives Matter Activists Launch Subscription Box for White People to Support Black Activists
This is not a joke: Liberal black activists have launched a monthly “subscription box” designed for white people “to not only financially support Black femme freedom fighters, but also complete measurable tasks in the fight…
Michael Brown’s Mother Speaks at Xavier University
From the College Fix: At Xavier University’s Black Lives Matter conference this weekend, the mother of Michael Brown said that her son “will never be able to attend college” due to his having been shot…
Cal-Irvine Sponsors Black Lives Matter Writing Contest
From Campus Reform: The University of California, Irvine is sponsoring a “Black Lives Matter Writing Contest,” but warns students to carefully consider “the effects of their words” before submitting an entry. The contest, which is…
Illinois State Flies ‘Black Lives Matter’ Flag
Doesn’t flying the ‘Black Lives Matter’ flag validates vandalism and property destruction? Illinois State University celebrated the Black Lives Matter movement by flying its official flag on campus throughout the day Monday. “Proud of our…