A college rejected a student’s application for a NRA-affiliated club because its parent church is against NRA policies and is in favor of gun control measures.
Topic: gun control
Survey: Majority of Professors Believe Campus Carry Creates a ‘Negative Impact’ on Exchange of Ideas
In a recent survey of college professors, 71% believe that campus carry laws “will have a negative impact on the free and robust exchange of ideas at my university.”
University of Texas Students Mock Campus Carry Movement with ‘Student Body Armor’ Fake Ad
“Student body armor” faux ad hit the University of Texas campus as anti-campus carry activists tried to dissuade students from supporting campus carry efforts.
Johns Hopkins Study: Hands Up, Don’t Shoot
In a recent study published by Johns Hopkins University, entitled “Firearms on College Campuses: Research Evidence and Policy Implications,” ten authors push back against the campus carry movement, whereby state legislatures have given college students…
Panel at UT-Austin Debates Campus Carry, Includes Virginia Tech Shooting Survivor
One of the panelists was a graduate of Virginia Tech University, where there was a fatal shooting incident on their campus in 2007, who is currently seeking a PhD at Texas-Austin.
This Week, Liberty University Students can have Guns in Dorms
Liberty University is no longer a gun-free zone.
Anti-Gun Rights Protesters Use Sex Toys to Protest Campus Carry
What? Only in Austin, Texas does this make any sense (if it makes any sense at all, to begin with).
Poll of Millennials Shows Support for Gun Control
From Campus Reform: A new poll by the University of Chicago finds that Millennials have a strong preference for gun control, even supporting a proposed ban on semi-automatic weapons. The survey—which was conducted by GenForward,…
UT-San Antonio Looking to Curb Campus Carry
The University of Texas-San Antonio is looking to curtail the Texas law that will allow concealed carry on college campuses at state colleges in the Lone Star State.
College Republicans Lead Rally Against Proposed Gun Ban in Massachusetts
What an effort: “The College Republicans of Bridgewater State University rallied more than 400 protesters outside the Massachusetts State House Thursday to protest a proposed gun ban.”