A college professor claimed that the song “God Bless America” is a “warmongering” song, among other claims in his op-ed.
Topic: Ithaca College
New Academic Jargon: ‘Eurobliviousness’ at Ithaca College
New academic term for white privilege? “Eurobliviousness.”
Ithaca College Students Demanded Discussion Circles, Then Don’t Show Up
Blame the Millennials? Or just left-wing college students at Ithaca College? Thus far, however, The Ithacan reports that not a single student has attended either of the first two meetings. In fact, out of 30…
Ithaca College Professor No Longer Teaches Sensitive Material due to Trigger Warnings
It makes some sense not to teach sensitive material, especially if there is a survivor of a sexual assault or rape in her class, but they can leave the class for that lecture, can’t they?…
Ithaca College President Resigns after Pressure from Students
The hurtful language lynch mob’s reign continues to spread across American college campuses.
Only 39% of Ithaca Students want President to Resign
College Fix has more on this: The Ithacan reports that 54 percent of the student body responded to an email poll asking for their views on Rochon, who has allegedly not responded sufficiently to racial…
Adjuncts Vote to Unionize at Ithaca College
Cue the new adjuncts union-vs.-administration-and-full-time-faculty at Ithaca College in upstate New York.
Ithaca College Starts Online Microaggression Reporting System
Microaggressions are a thing, at least at Ithaca College. Seriously?!