University of Wisconsin-La Crosse is looking to hire psychologists who can help minority students who suffer from “microaggressions” and “bias incidents” at the university.
Topic: psychology
Democrats Contact Anti-Trump Psychology Professors over the President’s Mental Health
Democrats are reaching out to anti-Trump psychology professors in an attempt to invoke the Constitution to remove President Trump from the White House.
NYU Psychology Professor: College Administrators “won’t stand up to” Heckler’s Veto and Disruptive Protesters
Even lifelong men and women on the Left are becoming concerned about the oppressive political climate on American college campuses. Jonathan Haidt, a psychologist and professor of ethical leadership at the New York University’s Stern…
Psychology Professor Unsure about the Scientific Basis of Microaggressions
A professor of psychology at Emory University researched microaggressions and was not sure if they really exist: Emory University psychology Professor Scott Lilienfeld is challenging the seemingly universally accepted concept of the microaggression. After reviewing many studies…
Psychology Student Assignment is to Look at Store Shelves for ‘Dominant Group Privilege’
From Campus Reform: An Aurora University professor recently required students to visit local stores and observe the number of products geared toward minority groups in order to make them aware of privilege. The “Experiencing Discrimination—The…
Op-Ed by Psychology Professor says The Beatles have Power and Privilege
This op-ed in the Huffington Post explained why this one psychology professor didn’t like music from The Beatles, based on their power and privilege.
Black People have Bad Health due to Racism, says Psychologist
As The College Fix reported: “The University of Georgia’s Red & Black reports on a lecture by Enrique Neblett Jr., an associate professor of psychology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who…
Digital Age has Hurt America’s Ability to Write Well
Nostalgia is overrated, a Harvard psychologist says. “The bad-dominates-good phenomenon is multiplied by a second source of bias, sometimes called the illusion of the good old days,” Harvard psychology professor Steven Pinker said at a…