We used to look at universities in other nations as an example of what could happen if we lose first amendment rights on campus. Now they might be looking at us as a worst-case scenario.
Topic: rape culture
Feminist Academic Journal, After Fake Study Controversy, Slows Down Publishing over the Summer
The feminist academic journal, “Gender, Place and Culture,” used to print one article a month, but over the summer, only printed one article. This apparent decrease in journal articles could be linked to a fake article it published and had to retract.
‘Feminist Social Justice’ Conference to be held at University of Arizona
The University of Arizona, a taxpayer-funded university in the state of Arizona, is hosting a one-day “feminist social justice” conference on their college campus on topics such as rape culture and will have a yoga session.
Anonymous Students: Frats are Dangerous, College Administrators ‘Protects Rapists’
Anonymous poster accused Swarthmore College of protecting rapists, an accusation that both fraternities and administrators reject.
No Safe Space for Caucasians
In his latest book, No Campus for White Men, author Scott Greer dives into the Left’s continued war on free speech, common sense and the Caucasian male.
Anonymous Professor Upset at Student’s Essay on Men’s Rights
A professor who wrote an essay anonymously said that a student’s essay on men’s rights scared her due to the rhetoric.
University Sued for Not Fairly Investigating ‘Bogus’ Rape Allegations
A Pace University student filed a lawsuit against the university for neglecting to fairly investigate rape allegations by his ex-girlfriend.
Title IX Administrators Think Obama is Still President
Apparently, college administrators who handle Title IX cases still think that Obama is the president and seek to defend Obama’s Title IX policies under President Trump.
Rape Culture is a Myth Perpetuated by ‘Social Justice Warriors’, Feminist says
From the Pope Center: Wendy McElroy will have none of this. She says that the chances of being raped are more like one in a hundred per year for college women (or 4 percent during…
University of Arkansas Offers Discounts to Students who Acknowledge Rape Statistics
The ‘rape culture’ narrative is alive and well at the University of Arkansas: According to a flier obtained by MRCTV, the University of Arkansas is holding a “That’s so 6%” campaign for people to acknowledge…