The likes of Harvard University and other expensive higher education institutions announced that they will charge full tuition to students, even though several institutions have shifted from in-person classes to online learning for the foreseeable…
Topic: tuition
Sen. Rand Paul’s Bill Would Allow People To Fund Education With Pre-Tax Cash From Retirement Accounts
While Democrats advocate left-wing policies such as tuition and fee free public college and mass student debt cancellation, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has a plan that will help students and their families finance higher education…
Stephens College Lowers Tuition
Supply and demand could actually be seeping into academia.
Whose Got More Skin In Academic Game?
Right now, parents and taxpayers are getting skinned off of defaulted student loans and rising tuition.
Is UC A Model For How To Fund Education?
The Chancellor of the University of California at Riverside, in the pages of The Washington Monthly, claimed that her state provides a model for how to fund higher education.
California Student Newspaper thinks $25 Million Set Aside for Illegal Immigrants is Too Little
$25 million for three years is not chump change, students: “The editorial board of The Daily Bruin, UCLA’s student newspaper, argued in an editorial Monday that the decision—announced last week by UC system President Janet Napolitano—is not an adequate long term solution because it is set to expire in 2019.”
College President: Diversity is More Important than Tuition Costs
Huh? He’s being serious, apparently: The President of the College of St. Scholastica (CSS) says he will devote the final year of his tenure to promoting inclusivity, arguing that diversity is more important than tuition…
Top 50 Most Affordable Christian Colleges
Take a look at the list and see if your alma mater is on it.
Young Convinceables
Thanks to Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the socialist running for president, we are learning that one of the latest examples of victim groups is students, who freely decide to go to college and in many…
Christian University in Memphis Pledged to Help Illegal Immigrant Students
That’s one way to subsidize illegal immigrant students over citizens and legal residents: In a response to the growing Hispanic population in the Memphis, Tenn. community, Christian Brothers University (CBU) has pledged to help its students…