It’s really dangerous, for patients anyway, when policy wonks decide what type of health care is necessary. “In popular understanding, rising health-care spending is often viewed as an inevitable consequence of advances in medical technology,…
Topic: U.S.
Is America a Nation of Immigrants?
Generations of students have been taught that we are a nation of immigrants but inquiring minds beg to differ. Well, actually, they don’t beg. “What we have never been is a nation of immigrants,” veteran…
Larry Summers Stands Up for Labor Unions
Lawrence Summers, former U.S. Treasury Department Secretary and current Charles W. Eliot University Professor at Harvard University, defended the concept of labor unions and blasted the South at a recent panel discussion at the Center…
Author: Removing Confederate Relics, Statues Threatens the Preservation of History
An interesting insight by a Southern native and author: A Georgia native who recently penned a book that pays homage to Southern history and culture said that current efforts to eradicate from campuses any and…
On 9/11 Anniversary, Professor Called for Remembrance of Anti-Black Violence
Specifically, Stony Brook assistant professor Crystal Fleming tweeted about “racial terror” against blacks.
Libertarianism and Conservatism Not Incompatible
Supposed sages in academe and beyond have been trying to create a schism between Libertarianism and conservatism that need not exist. “Freedom and virtue have declined together and must rise together,” author M. Stanton Evans…
M. Stanton Evans: Freedom And Virtue Must Rise Together
Stan always had a way with words:
Immigration Lowers Educational Achievement, Survey finds
When academia, aided and abetted by international agencies, tell you something isn’t happening, there is a very good chance that it is. Take, for example, the assertion by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)…
Look for the Union Label
As labor union leaders high-five each other this weekend over their ancestors’ creation of the Labor Day holiday more than a century ago, we would do well to remember a bit of their history that…
Federal Education Rules now lead to Free Speech Violations
Federal education regulations paved the way for infringing on our free speech on college campuses.