Could this, to revive a phrase that might be used by the more traditional English professors who populated the MLA in days of old, lead to a a renaissance for the organization?
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Wow: MLA Rejected Anti-Israel BDS Boycott
A resolution to boycott Israel was rejected by the Modern Language Association, which has resisted such efforts in the recent past.
Literature Assaulted @MLA
In our latest visit to the Modern Language Association, we discover, once again, that if you love literature, you may want to avoid most English courses.
“Hamilton” at the MLA
“Hamilton,” a popular Broadway hip-hop musical, has now made it into the Modern Language Association consciousness. At the 2017 convention held in Philadelphia, one professor dissected the significance of the musical for minorities in America….
MLA Vocabulary Contest
There is at least one way in which the Modern Language Association (MLA) that thousands of English professors belong to lives up to its name: they traverse in a vocabulary most of us working stiffs…
Hidden in Plain Sight: Genuine Scholarship at the MLA
In the days before Wayne Gretzky brought elegance to hockey, a running joke about the sport was, “I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out.” Something like this might be said of…
Black Lives Matter Street Theater at the MLA
At the Modern Language Association (MLA) annual convention in Philadelphia this year, we got to see some of the “Creative Responses to Black Lives Matter” They included: A filmed street theater presentation on “The Shooting…
From MLA to Women’s March: Remedial Revolutionaries
As we saw from interviews with students at last weekend’s protests, higher education, and lower, probably need to spend more time on self-improvement and less on self-esteem, just to further their own interests. For example,…
MLA-BDS Aftermath: A Star Is Born
Just as political careers are often launched from electoral defeats, so too do academic careers blossom when Left wing movements fail. Examples of the former abound, from Ronald Reagan’s rise in the wake of the…
MLA Comedy Stylebook Not Funny
Here’s the problem with the English professors at the Modern Language Association (MLA) attempting to define humor: They’re not funny, at least intentionally. “Theories of life-writing do not work in stand –up comedy,” Dale Tracy…