Arkansas Law School Won’t Give Race-Based Admissions Data to Professor due to Possible “Harm”

, Spencer Irvine, Leave a comment


Sounds like the university’s law school is trying to avoid transparency and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests:

Without waiting for the courts to rule in a pending FOIA lawsuit from a professor seeking access to admissions data, a law school dean recently sent a cryptic email to the school’s attorneys warning of potential reputational harm from the professor’s “inaccurate” statements.

Prof. Robert Steinbuch filed suit against the University of Arkansas at Little Rock’s (UA) Bowen School of Law in November, alleging that the administration had refused to provide him with data sets he had requested for his research into the effects of race-based admissions policies, despite having turned the same data over on two previous occasions.

Photo by Blizno