The ancient Marxists and modern art academicians have at least one thing in common: For both of them “art is a weapon.” Unfortunately, for neither of them, who seem to overlap, has it been a particular talent.
In an article distributed by the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal, James Bledsoe points out that “art as social justice” programs, which tilt more heavily towards the latter concept than the former, are the norm at, among other places, Yale, the California College of the Arts, Portland State University, and Otis College of Art and Design. Bledsoe notes that the director of the program at Portland State “is notable for pieces such as the touring exhibit The American War, a reflection of the Vietnam War from the perspective of the communists, with its special emphasis on ‘atrocities committed by the United States.’”
Moreover, although the “artists” and their friends might appreciate such efforts, their enthusiasm doesn’t seem to be contagious. “Recent highlights of divisive works from college art programs include American flags made into KKK hoods at the University of Miami; an installation at the University of Chicago celebrating the art of the Cuban Revolution; and the obligatory ‘Trump-is-a-racist’ pieces at Salem State University that even offended the grievance groups the artist claimed he was advocating for,” Bledsoe notes.