On Monday morning, one University of Iowa professor had three words to say to those conservative students at her university.
Articles By: Allie Winegar Duzett
Redistribution of GPAs
A group of College Republicans at the University of California-Merced recently made a video in which they asked fellow students who support redistribution of wealth if they would support redistribution of GPA points.
Hillbilly Porn
Prof decries influence of “hillbilly porn” that he seems to have been the only viewer of.
Queer Ecology @ The MLA
A panel on “Queer Ecology” was featured at the 2011 Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association (MLA).
Queer Studies @ the MLA
While those casually aware of the Modern Language Association (MLA) might assume that a panel on “Queer Studies and the Future of the Profession” would deal primarily with LGBTQ issues, this year, those people would be wrong.
Palintologists @ The MLA
At almost any gathering of the self-described intellectual elite, it seems that irrationally celebrating hatred of Sarah Palin is practically mandatory. The 2011 Modern Language Association (MLA) Annual Convention was no different.
Dickens and Psychoanalysis
At the Modern Language Association (MLA) Annual Conference earlier this year, the Dickens Society partnered with the American Psychoanalytic Association to put on a panel entitled “Dickens and Psychoanalysis.”
Graphic Aging at the MLA
With a title like “Graphic Aging,” one might think that such a panel at the 2011 Annual Modern Language Association (MLA) Convention was meant to discuss porn for the elderly.
Autism in Literature
One of the better lectures at the 2011 Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association (MLA).
Activist Professors
The 2011 Modern Language Association (MLA) Annual Convention featured more than just lectures on language. One roundtable, entitled “Transmedia Activism,” dealt with both “technocultural innovation” and the more controversial idea of increasing political activism among students.