Articles by michelenagar_28

College Prep

Sex Miseducation?

Sex education materials up for review this fall by the Montgomery County Public School Board of Education are riddled with inaccuracies, charges Henrietta Brown. A former member of the county’s Citizens Advisory Committee on Family Life and Human Development


Teen Attitudes

Despite the problems of today’s world, the state of American youth is “upbeat.”


An Education from A to Z

In an effort to revive their atrophied brain cells before the swiftly approaching fall semester, college students turn to two experts from the world of publishing and academia for a belated summer reading list.


Fired For Diversity’s Sake

Ron Johnson of Kansas State University walks through a revolving door into and out of his job as advisor to the school paper, alternately being fired and rehired and fired again by the school, all in the name of diversity.


At War, With America

Universities nationwide and the State Department, seemingly unrelated institutions, have more in common than one might think.


America’s Youth at Risk

With higher education comes a Pandora’s box of dangerous, questionable, and all-too-readily swallowed values, warns Ben Shapiro, fresh out of UCLA at only 20 years of age.

Book Reviews

The NEA’s Big Apple

In The Worm in the Apple, Peter Brimelow sets out to expose teacher unions as corrupt, selfish institutions that relentlessly pick at the public’s bank account, only to distribute ever-increasing government funds (formerly tax dollars) inefficiently at best, self-servingly at worst.