A trio of Iowa professors is getting a quarter of a million dollars to study microaggressions from the National Science Foundation (NSF). “The NSF has awarded three Iowa State University professors more than $248,000 to study ‘gender microaggressions’ in engineering, claiming that the research will ultimately help students ‘feel safe,'” Toni Airaksinen writes on the Campus Reform blog maintained by The Leadership Institute. “On August 13, the taxpayer-funded National Science Foundation (NSF) granted funding for the study ‘Collaborative Research: An Intersectional Perspective to Studying Microaggressions in Engineering Programs,’ which is slated to cost taxpayers at least $248,744 over the next four years.”
“Engineering professor Cristina Poleacovschi—who will lead the project over the next four years—told Campus Reform that microaggressions are important to study in academia because they cause harm to students, especially minorities.”