Campus Progressive Practices Proactive Affirmative Action

, Malcolm A. Kline, Leave a comment

And, oddly, it’s reminiscent of the affirmative action bake sales conservative students sometimes staged in order to satirize a policy they disagreed with. “University of Pennsylvania teaching assistant Stephanie McKellop employed a sort of affirmative action when it came to letting her students speak in class,” Rob Shimshock reported in The Daily Caller.

The tweet read: “I will always call on my black women students first. Other POC [people of color] get second tier priority. WW [White women] come next. And, if I have to, white men.In normal life, who has the easiest time speaking, most opportunities? Flip it.”

She went on to elaborate:

~”I was taught that ^ as an undergrad by an amazing prof. In normal life, who has the easiest time speaking, most opportunities? Flip it.”

~“The classroom is the place YOU get to control social setting,” the TA stated. “Prioritize and encourage voices who are talked over most often.”