Looking for an antidote to political correctness at your college? Interested in hearing from some from some of the thinkers, writers, and activists your administration won’t invite to campus? Take a look at Conservative University, an annual conference for college students sponsored by Accuracy in Academia.
Taking place on July 16th and 17th at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., Conservative University will feature an array of insightful speakers offering perspectives that too often have been excluded from America’s colleges and universities.
Among the speakers already signed up for the event:
• Activist Star Parker, author of Uncle Sam’s Plantation.
• National Review columnist Joel Mowbray, author of Dangerous Diplomacy: How the State Department Threatens America’s Security.
• Writer La Shawn Barber, whose work has been featured in such publications as The Washington Times, The Washington Post, and Today’s Christian Woman.
• Kenneth R. Timmerman, author of Shakedown, Preachers of Hate, and The French Betrayal of America.
• Historian Burt Folsom, author of The Myth of the Robber Barons.
• Economist George Ayittey, author of Africa Betrayed and Africa Unchained: A Blueprint for Development.
• Noted journalist M. Stanton Evans, author of an upcoming book on Sen. Joseph McCarthy and the communist sympathizers he unearthed in the U.S. government.
• Lori Waters of Eagle Forum and Lisa De Pasquale of the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute.
Additionally, Conservative University will feature nationally recognized student leaders discussing their experiences battling academic orthodoxy. Walter Bair, a student at Shippensburg State University in Pennsylvania, will appear on a panel with Jason Mattera of Roger Williams University in Rhode Island and Ryan Cooper of Southwest Missouri State University.
The cost of the conference for students includes admission, meals—including a Friday dinner—and accommodations at university dormitories. Early Bird and group rates are available, starting at $49 per person.
For further details, call (202) 364-3085 or e-mail cu@academia.org.